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Target Heart Rate

Target Heart Rate Activity
A WebQuest for Middle School Students
Designed by Butch Houser
Heart rate is very important when it comes to physical activity. This activity is to help you determine your target heart rate while being physically active in fun and creative ways during your PE class. Being physically active doesn’t just mean boring exercise. It

Oy! Hanukkah!

In prior classes, teach “Oh, Hanukkah! Oh, Hanukkah!” and the Dreidel Song to be sung. I found a menorah at a thrift store [they are common there]. I may have started the lesson by lighting the menorah, even taking turns using the “little helper”.

Food Label Reading Lesson and PowerPoint: Is this product healthy?

Lesson Title: Food Label Reading Lesson and PowerPoint: Is this product healthy?
Equipment Needed:
• “How to Read a Food Label” PowerPoint Presentation (optional, but you can download it for free at:
• calculators
• Food Label Reading Worksheet -I will cut and paste below, but you can download it for free at: (
• 1 wrapper/product for each student

Conflict in the Middle East

• The students will formulate questions that can be answered by historical study and research and be able to determine the credibility and bias of primary and secondary sources.
• The students will describe current (Middle East) events using information from various sources including the internet, books, magazines, maps, etc.
• The students will analyze how these

Who’s Responsible?

To understand differences between
responsible and irresponsible pet