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Lesson Plans - Science

Ketchup and Down Toy

Learn how to make a super fun and magical toy out of a ketchup packet and a plastic bottle. You too can control ketchup with your mind.

Principles of Kwanzaa Plaque

Celebrate traditional African values-including family, community, and self-improvement. Display the nguzo saba, the seven principles of Kwanzaa.

Newton’s 2nd Law

Diverse Learner: ELPS (gifted)
This lesson plan is designed to meet the needs of gifted learners. Gifted learners have many characteristics. They are able to conceptualize abstract concepts better than their peers. They organize and synthesize new ideas better than their peers. They are able to analyze data systematically and identify patterns better than their peers.

Alternative Energy

Diverse Learner (verbal learning disabilities)
Students with learning disabilities are of average intelligence (or greater), yet they have difficulty receiving, processing, analyzing, or storing information. Verbal learning disabilities make it difficult for students to read, write, and spell. These students tend take avoid reading out loud in front of the class and avoid writing assignments. This

Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
Lesson Plan for Class XII
Learning outcomes
? Students will understand the difference between virtual and real images.
? Students will extend their previous knowledge of reflection and refraction at plane surfaces to curved surfaces.
? They will further learn to apply these to understand how lenses form images.
? Students will learn about combination of