ABC of Endangered Species
Students will: choose an endangered species to research that begins with an assigned letter; research the animal’s habits, habitat, and endangered status; create a page for a class ABC book that includes a photograph or artwork of the animal, a brief description of the animal and its habits and habitat, a “fast fact” that shares the most interesting thing they learned about the animal, and an explanation of why the animal is endangered; briefly report to the class the results of their research.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: Library and/or Internet sources about animals and/or endangered species, art supplies, a world map that can be used as a locator map on the students' reports (sources provided), materials for gathering students' pages into a book.
Author: Gary Hopkins
Source: ©
Related lessons:
- Zoo animal facts
- Don’t Endanger Our World
- Webcams in the Classroom: Animal Inquiry and Observation
- Teacher’s Pet
- Black Bat Silhouette