Up to thirty five students 1st through 6th
Health Science Chemistry
Lemon: Ascorbic acid, Vitamin “C” acid
Water: H2O, Crystal Geyser, All natural, California mountain spring water, Concepts: solubility and solvency
Honey: sweetener
Concept: high viscosity, Bee pollen and “B” vitamins
Hygiene: Wash hands with a small drop of soap.
During this time, rinse lemon, small flow of water for each student.
OTC medicines can cause adverse effects, drug interactions, food-drug interactions, allergic reactions, D.U.I charges, overdoses and death! Your students will have fun doing this scavenger hunt activity, and they’ll learn the OTC dangers at the same time!!
A ready-to-use reproducible to build social-emotional literacy
I generated this ?Top 10? list after teaching Health for 16 years, but there are certainly other reasons for abstinence and you may want to change the 10, adding in your own ideas. The handout is attached in Word and PDF formats.
Summary: 10 Questions to Analyze and Give a Grade to Any Diet. Use these 10 questions based on the Mayo Clinic Food Guide Pyramid to analyze and grade fad diets.