Crayon-Rubbing Cornucopia
# Students orally present a list of things for which they are thankful.
# Students create a variety of texture rubbings using found items within their environment.
# Students transform their rubbings into a 3-D cornucopia filled with replicas of the things for which they are thankful.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * Beginnings Triangular Crayons
* No-Run School Glue
* Pointed Tip Scissors
* Squeezables Glitter
* Squeezables Bold
* Construction Paper
household supplies
* textured items, such as sandpaper, screen, paper doilies, rubber sink mat
Source: ©
Related lessons:
- Fall Harvest Cornucopia
- Giving Thanks Placemats
- Boo! Creative Writing Banner
- Mexican Pottery
- Good Luck in a Red Envelope