Giving Thanks Placemats
# Children study the origins of the traditional Thanksgiving and why this holiday is still celebrated by many people in North America today.
# Students analyze and determine what they are grateful for in their daily lives.
# Students create a placemat which states what they are thankful for and depicts historic images.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * Fine Line Markers
* Erasable Colored Pencils
* Multicultural Markers
* Glue Sticks
* Blunt-Tip Scissors
* Construction Paper
household supplies
* clear plastic adhesive (such as Con-Tact® paper)
Source: ©
Related lessons:
- Thanksgiving Placemats: A Community- Service Project
- Giving Thanks Stationery
- Fruitful Bounty
- Siesta Pillow
- Thanksgiving Day