Packing the Pilgrim’s Trunk: Personalizing History in the Elementary Classroom
Students will
* investigate the Pilgrims—who they were and why they came to America.
* problem solve and evaluate items needed for coming to the New World.
* compare life today with the life of Pilgrims.
* learn about Pilgrim farming techniques.
* understand and be able to communicate why the Pilgrims had a harvest feast.
* compare and contrast your life with the life of the Pilgrims and the life of the Wampanoag.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * Books about the Pilgrims
* Books about Moving
* Trunks and items to classify
* Shoe boxes for each child to use as personal trunks
* Journals and writing/drawing materials
* Chart paper
* Plain paper to use as place mats
Author: Devon Hamner
Source: ©
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