Timeline Shuffle
It’s a lineup! Students become actively involved in creating a timeline of significant technology achievements and scientific discoveries. This lesson is for Day 6 of the unit, Inventions and Inventors.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: - Timeline Cards (see Attached File), one copy of each page
- Light-colored construction paper, one 12 x 18 sheet per group
- Markers, one per group
- Timeline Segment (see Attached File), one per group
- Wide cellophane tape to connect the Timeline Segments
- Glue or glue sticks, one per group
- Timeline Checkup (see Attached File), one per student
- Camera with flash (no film is necessary)
- Student Web Lesson, Max and Mavis and the Case of the Missing Inventors, Part 2: Technology
- Student Web Lesson, Max and Mavis and the Case of the Missing Inventors, Part 1: Communication (if needed)
Author: Laurie Ayers
Source: © www.beaconlearningcenter.com
Related lessons:
- Thomas Edison Timeline
- Imagine That
- Inventions and Inventors
- Inside Information
- Back Up