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Famous Deaf People in History

Explore the famous deaf people in history. Perhaps brainstorm with the class to see if they know any, or do a true or false quiz. This will help kids identify with deaf people even though they may not know any deaf people in their life.
1 Ask the class if they know any deaf musicians, dancers,

Heart men/women

Cut out large heart, this is the body. Add the medium one for the head. Use two small hearts for each arm and three for each leg. Then use the tiny hearts for the eyes and buttons. I use red construction paper for the man and pink for the eyes and buttons. For the woman I use pink construction paper with red paper for the eyes and buttons. After this is all glued together I let the children decorate them with markers. Let the children get as creative as they want to. They sometimes add jewelry, clothes, beads, hair, shoes, etc. Have fun with this lesson.

Heart Men/Women

Cut out large heart, this is the body. Add the medium one for the head. Use two small hearts for each arm and three for each leg.