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Inventors And Inventions 2: Air And Space

Students will understand the following:
1. They can conduct an experiment in which they change the size, weight, and wing structure of paper airplanes to see how each plane flies.

Imagine That

Information dangles from the ceiling! That’s the effect when students gather information using a variety of references and create mobiles of inventions or scientific discoveries. This lesson is for Day 5 of the unit Inventions and Inventors.

Inside Information

This lesson is for Day 3 of the unit Inventions and Inventors. Students use a variety of references and write to inform as they explore significant inventors and inventions and the impact of the inventions in the field of communication.

Timeline Shuffle

It’s a lineup! Students become actively involved in creating a timeline of significant technology achievements and scientific discoveries. This lesson is for Day 6 of the unit, Inventions and Inventors.

Who Is George Washington Carver, Anyway?

Who is George Washington Carver, Anyway? enables students to learn about an African-American scientist who made significant contributions in science since 1880.