This lesson aims to explain how deaf people can hear music.
1 For the first task you will need a balloon and music player. Blow up the balloon and get the kids to hold
it in front of the music. They will be able to feel the vibrations of the music. Vary the songs, playing fast and
Two basic memory techniques are association (linking new learning to previous knowledge) and repetition.
This lesson uses music and art in a vocabulary study of unfamiliar words from the song “America the Beautiful,” increasing students’ vocabulary while also increasing their knowledge of U.S. geography.
This is a fun and creative way to explore “The 12 Days of Christmas.” This lesson reinforces numerical order, repetition within a song, and group effort. It’s also very cute to see the creative ways the students become “The 12 Days of Christmas.” Composition with instruments is also involved.
In prior classes, teach “Oh, Hanukkah! Oh, Hanukkah!” and the Dreidel Song to be sung. I found a menorah at a thrift store [they are common there]. I may have started the lesson by lighting the menorah, even taking turns using the “little helper”.