This lesson plan is an introduction to the scientific method. Please adapt this lesson to the ability of your students. Preschoolers instinctively observe and ask questions. They also think outside the box because they are unaware of what’s normal or obvious. Have you given a preschooler a toy and watched them use it in numerous ways it was never meant to be used? They are naturally creative and innovative. This is why we think this is the perfect time to introduce preschoolers to the scientific method. It encourages creativity and critical thinking.
Download App – Dylan Monkey & Squishy Face – “Is This a Good Idea, Mommy?”
What is the Scientific Method?
Today, let’s pretend to be scientists. The scientific method is a process used by scientists to make discoveries or inventions.
These are the steps scientists use to make discoveries:
1) Observe and ask a question. We watch and ask a question.
2) Form a hypothesis. We answer the question with what we think.
3) Test the hypothesis through experimentation. If the experiment fails, try something new.
4) Analyze experiment and draw conclusion.
5) Communicate the results.
Read the Story – Dylan Monkey & Squishy Face – “Is This a Good Idea, Mommy?”
Now I’m going to read you a story about a boy that wants to create something special for his brother. He is going to use the scientific method. Listen carefully so we can answer questions like scientists.
Discussion Questions
1) When Dylan Monkey swung into the room, what did he decide his brother needed? He believes Squishy Face needs more hands. This is the observation.
2) What does Dylan believe Squishy Face needs? Squishy Face needs new hands. This is the hypothesis.
3) What were the different ways Dylan Monkey tried to make hands? These are the experiments.
4) In each experiment, why did it not work? This is analyzing the result.
5) Which way worked? This is the conclusion.
Another way to explain the scientific method:
1) Observe and ask a question: I observe that Johnny likes to wear blue. Is blue Johnny’s favorite color?
2) Hypothesis: I’m going to guess that blue is Johnny’s favorite color.
3) Experiment: I can ask Johnny what his favorite color is but Johnny is shy and does not want to tell me. Therefore I will set up some experiments. I will offer Johnny different colored buttons, string, crayons.
4) Analyze the result: Which colors did Johnny choose?
5) Communicate the results: He chose all blues. His favorite color must be blue.
More about App
Dylan Monkey & Squishy Face App Intentionality
Our app is interactive, engaging, and purposeful.
1) Facilitates cognitive development through vocabulary (i.e., describing plan)
2) Encourages creativity and critical thinking
3) Let’s children know that it is okay to experiment/try/fail/try again
4) Allows children to practice their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination while learning about cause and effect by turning pages and touching the characters to get them to move or talk
5) Presents a social idea that is important to expose children to: helping others
6) Offers several ways to enjoy the book – with an adult (which can provide good bonding time) or alone (which can promote feelings of independence and self-esteem)
7) Provides an intentional and educational use of screen time
Includes questions at the end to encourage comprehension, discussion, and creativity. This is a good starting point for parents and teachers