Can You Hear Me?
# Students learn about the life of Alexander Graham Bell.
# Students study the technology of early communication instruments and gain an understanding of the symbiotic relationship of inventions.
# Students design and construct a historically authentic 3-D model of the first telephone, using problem solving during the fabrication process.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * Paint Brushes
* Crayons
* Markers
* Premierâ„¢ Tempera Paint
* No-Run School Glue
* Pointed Tip Scissors
* Washable Multicultural Paint
household supplies
* recycled newspaper
* Party Express paper plates
* craft sticks
* paper towels
* chenille sticks
* recycled foam produce trays
* container(s) of water
Source: ©
Related lessons:
- Recycle Inventions
- Great American Inventors: Using Nonfiction to Learn About Technology Inventions
- Inventor’s Workshop
- Proud Pilgrim Hats
- Inventions