• The students will formulate questions that can be answered by historical study and research and be able to determine the credibility and bias of primary and secondary sources.
• The students will describe current (Middle East) events using information from various sources including the internet, books, magazines, maps, etc.
• The students will analyze how these events have affected and continue to affect the United States including identifying the U.S. Foreign Policy.
Arizona Social Studies: S1:C1:PO1-4, 6-8, S1:C10:PO3, 5, 7-10, S2:C1:PO1-4, 6, 8, S2:C8:PO14, 16, S2:C9:PO1-3, S3:C5:PO1, S4:C1:PO1-5, S4:C2:PO1-5, S4:C4:PO1, 2, 4, S4:C5:PO5, S5:C1:PO3, S5:C4:PO2
Arizona Technology: S1:C1:PO1, S1:C3:PO1-3, S3:C2:PO2-4
As part of the Middle East unit, the students will be directed to CNN’s interactive map on unrest in the Middle East. They will select three countries to review and include the information on their worksheets. Following this, they will then go to the U.S. Department of State’s website and locate and include the Foreign Policy position of the United States and include this on their worksheets as well. When this portion of the activity is completed, the students will then select a news site and find related articles addressing the unrest and conflict in their selected countries. The teacher will lead a discussion with the students on what they learned about the situation in this region of the world and if their opinions on the related policies of the United States. This lesson can be completed in one class period, but may extend into an additional day. The teacher may also provide video news coverage of this from various news sources. The students may either work in pairs or individually.
excellent topic. great lesson