Harriet Tubman Triarama
# Students study the history of the United States in the 1800s, including the issue of slavery.
# Students learn that the Underground Railroad was a network of people and hiding places in the United States and Canada, set up to help escaping slaves reach freedom.
# Students recognize the significance of Harriet Tubman’s contributions to Black culture and U.S. and Canadian history by depicting her accomplishments in a triarama.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * Paint Brushes
* Crayons
* Fabric Crayons
* Multicultural Crayons
* Colored Pencils
* Markers
* Multicultural Markers
* Artista IIĀ® Washable Tempera Paint
* No-Run School Glue
* Pointed Tip Scissors
* Giant Floor Pad
household supplies
* recycled newspaper
* recycled boxes
* paper towels
* iron (for adult use only!)
* coffee filters
* spray bottle filled with water
* cardboard
* container(s) of water
* fabric (white synthetic)
Source: © www.crayola.com
Related lessons:
- Harriet Tubman
- Honor African American Leaders
- Harriet’s Halloween Sort
- Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!
- Why Celebrate Black History Month