Melba Pattillo and Ruby Bridges: Two Pioneers of School Integration
Students will
* read about the kids who took part in early school integration efforts in Little Rock, Arkansas, and New Orleans.
* read recent reflections by two of those former students.
* role-play an interview with Melba Pattillo, one of nine students who integrated Little Rock High School.
* read background and look at photos about the integration efforts in Little Rock.
* put themselves in the shoes of those kids who were pioneers in school integration and write a diary entry one of them might have written after the first week in her new school.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * computer with Internet access, or copies of two articles and an interview (see below) printed from the Web
* a copy of the book Through My Eyes, by Ruby Bridges, from your local library (optional)
* pencils and paper
Source: ©
Tags / Keywords: African American,
Black History,
Black History Month,
Civil Rights,
Little Rock,
Martin Luther King,
Melba Pattillo,
Ruby Bridges,
Thurgood Marshall.
Related lessons:
- Melba Pattillo and Ruby Bridges: Two Pioneers of School Integration
- Melba Pattillo and Ruby Bridges: Two Heroes of School Integration
- Melba Pattillo and Ruby Bridges: Two Heroes of School Integration
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