Umoja Mat
# Students discover the history, traditions, symbols, and activities that are part of modern Kwanzaa festivities, which celebrate the African heritage of people around the world.
# Students identify the seven important principles that underlie Kwanzaa and recognize their origins in Swahili.
# Students weave a Kwanzaa mat and explain the significance of their project.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * Paint Brushes
* Colored Pencils
* Multicultural Markers
* Washable Kid's Paint
* No-Run School Glue
* Pointed Tip Scissors
* Construction Paper
household supplies
* recycled newspaper
* paper towels
* container(s) of water
Source: ©
Related lessons:
- Principles of Kwanzaa Plaque
- Habari Gani? — What’s the News?
- Kwanzaa Symbol Strips
- Celebrating Kwanzaa Lesson Plans