TSW – Categorize rocks into the Three Main Classes
Arizona State Standards: Strand 6 – Concept 2; PO 1 and 2
1. After the students have been introduced, and have learned about the rock cycle and the three main classes of rocks, the students will be given an opportunity to categorize 15 different rocks into Igneous, Sedimentary, or Metamorphic rock through a Virtual Rock Lab.
2. The students will need computers that have access to the internet.
Hand each student the Glenco – Virtual Rock Lab worksheet. Instruct the students to follow the directions on the worksheet. (*It would be a good idea that you do the lab prior to your students so you can assist them if they need any help.)
3. The students are to turn in the assignment when they have completed the lab.
(This lab is to prepare the students for an assessment with specimen of real rocks Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic.)
* Read the information about rocks on the left. Answer the following question as you scroll down the page.
1. What does the words Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic mean in Latin?
a. Igneous –
b. Sedimentary –
c. Metamorphic –
* Watch the video before you begin the virtual lab. As you work in the lab, fill in the table below which represents the rock samples as if they were in the same drawer in the lab. Give the name of the rock and the type of rock (Igneous, Sedimentary, or Metamorphic).
* Read the information about rocks on the left. Answer the following question as you scroll down the page.
1. What does the words Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic mean in Latin?
a. Igneous –
b. Sedimentary –
c. Metamorphic –
* Watch the video before you begin the virtual lab. As you work in the lab, fill in the table below which represents the rock samples as if they were in the same drawer in the lab. Give the name of the rock and the type of rock (Igneous, Sedimentary, or Metamorphic).
(When I copy and paste the table will not copy, so you may have to make your own table with three rows and five columns.)