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Writing Italics

Exercises for fine writing. (warm up)
Pupils are asked to do exercises with fingers, for example, pretending to play the piano, typing, climbing along a rope. (5/10 minutes)
They copy on a ruled paper for first grade specially created for them, the letters of the alphabet, uppercase and lowercase letters, in italics.
They should not be in a hurry, because the exercise is the foundation of beautiful handwriting.
The teacher plays the L.I.M. movements that will help pupils to write in italics. The students repeat the movements of the teacher, writing with their fingers first, then with markers on the interactive whiteboard. (40 minutes)
Pupils write on a ruled paper for first grade specifically created for them the alphabet, uppercase and lowercase letters, in italics. They should not be in a hurry, because the exercise is the foundation of beautiful handwriting.
The letters were taken from the site
The path for those interested in is: schede didattiche/classe prima/italiano/schede di grafia.

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