A Gallery of Mexican Art
Students learn about the history and culture of Mexico through studying Mexican art.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * Computer with Internet access
* Mexico: Splendors of Thirty Centuries
* Cinco de Mayo (optional)
* Cinco de Mayo de 1862 -- La Batalla de Puebla (optional)
Additional Materials for Extension Activity:
* How to Make a Pinata
* 14-inch balloon, inflated
* 10-inch bowl
* papier-mache paste
* newspaper
* 32-oz. plastic yogurt container, cut in half horizontally
* string
* hole punch
* glue stick
* tissue paper
* individually wrapped candies
* How to Make Star Pinatas
* newspaper
* scissors
* stapler
* aluminum foil
* rubber cement
* balloon
* wheat paste or liquid starch
* wire
* tape
* tissue paper
* ribbon
Author: Linda Starr
Source: © www.educationworld.com
Related lessons:
- Mexican Masks
- Mexican Culture and History through Its National Holidays
- Mexican Moments
- Mexican Pottery
- Mexican Holidays