Fall vs. Spring
Students will:
1. Identify pictures of fall and spring
2. Compare and contrast fall and spring
3. Engage in a color science experiment
4. Identify the different characteristics of a flower
5. Participate in independent writing
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: 1. Magazines (Add to your parent wish list. Specify that you want magazines about food, clothing, animals, and plants.)
2. Paper plates
3. Ten pieces of 18" x 11" construction paper, any color
4. Glue
5. A Venn diagram comparing fall and spring, to be made beforehand
6. Red and yellow tempera paint
7. 18" x 11" piece of white construction paper with a leaf traced on it (one per student)
8. Paint smocks
9. 10" x 10" piece of white construction paper (one per student)
10. Water colors
11. Paint brushes
12. Water and cups
13. Apples and Pumpkins by Anne Rockwell
14. It's Spring by Pamela Chanko and Samantha Berger
15. Spring by Maria Rius
16. The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
Author: Andrea J. Spillett
Source: © www2.scholastic.com
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- Spring Springs
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- Add Color — and Learning — To Your Fall Lesson Plans