From Peanuts to Peanut Butter
The students will create a collage featuring a major scientist or inventor, the product or product(s) they created and how their creation influenced our society. Use completed collages to formatively assess the students’ knowledge. Meet with each student individually to discuss the elements include in the collage.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: Discussion
- 1 piece of chart paper
- 2 markers
- 3-5 Unshelled roasted peanuts
- 3 or more products created from peanuts (see web link 2/attached file page 2)
- Picture of George Washington Carver (see web link 1)
Collage (one of each item per student)
- White construction paper
- Scissors
- Magazines (i.e. Better Homes & Garden, adverisements, etc.)
- Glue
- Crayons
- Pencils
Extension Activity
- 1 Peanut Butter Recipe (see attached file)
- 6 cups unshelled roasted peanuts
- 1 small bottle of cooking oil
- 1 small jar of honey
- 1 Blender
- 1 (cup) measuring cup
- 1 tablespon measuring spoon
- 1 rubber spatula
- 1 class set of plastic knives
- 1 class set of napkins
- 1 box of crackers
- 1 half gallon of milk
- 1 class set of 3oz. paper cups
Source: ©
Related lessons:
- Power to the Peanut
- Power to the Peanut
- Thank you, Thomas
- What Makes Me Who I Am?
- Who Is George Washington Carver, Anyway?