Remember Our Veterans
# Students research their country’s involvement in various wars and learn how a person becomes a veteran.
# Students understand the significance of Veteran’s Day in the U.S. (or similar patriotic holidays in their country) and the roles brave men and women have in the nation’s history.
# Students design a patriotic poster or card to give or display at a local veterans’ residence, hospital, or organization.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * Fine Line Markers
* Washable Watercolors
* Watercolor Brushes with Plastic Handle
* Giant Marker and Watercolor Pad
household supplies
* recycled newspaper
* paper towels
* container(s) of water
Source: ©
Related lessons:
- The Wall Inspires Letters to Veterans
- The Fourth of July: A Day to Remember
- Remember Our Soldiers
- Veterans Day is celebrated in the United States today.
- Veterans Day