Who Can Vote? Chart
# Students become familiar with historic and contemporary issues connected to voting rights around the world.
# Students research the voting rights history of their country. Students compare information about voting rights in at least three countries to gain a global understanding of the topic.
# Students assemble an interactive chart on voting practices in different countries.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * Twistables® Colored Pencils
* Erasable Colored Pencils
* Markers
* Glue Sticks
* Pointed Tip Scissors
* Crayola Cutter
household supplies
* posterboard
* recycled file folders
* ruler or straight-edge (optional)
Source: © www.crayola.com
Related lessons:
- Women Get the Vote!
- What Do You Know? (Creating a K-W-H-L Chart)
- Getting Out the Vote: An Election Day Classroom Experiment
- Why Vote? A Public Awareness Campaign
- Nazi Concentration Camps — Map and Chart Reading Activities