Juneteenth Proclamation Jubilation
# Students gather information about the history of the U.S. holiday Juneteenth.
# Students understand the historical elements that contributed to the delayed announcement of the emancipation of slaves in Texas.
# Students recognize the look of authentic historic documents and reproduce a facsimile of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * Fine Line Markers
* Paint Brushes
* Washable Kid's Paint
* Pointed Tip Scissors
* Giant Marker and Watercolor Pad
household supplies
* recycled newspaper
* craft feathers
* paper towels
* recycled foam produce trays
* container(s) of water
Source: © www.crayola.com
Related lessons:
- Juneteenth Day
- Experiencing Slavery and Imagining Freedom
- Experiencing Slavery and Imagining Freedom
- Women’s History on the Table
- Harriet Tubman Triarama