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Nehemiah Lesson Plan

Nehemiah did not live in the beautiful city of Jerusalem, but he was a great builder. One day, some bad people
broke into the city and burned the gate. Many people died or left the city out of fear. Nehemiah found out what
had happened and remembered that he had once been to this city. He wanted to help rebuild the desolate city
and the king gave him permission to do so. He and his men began cutting timber to rebuild. He talked to the
people of the city and told him his plan. He began rebuilding a little at a time. Soon a new gate and new
fountains were completed. It wasn’t long before the bad people who had destroyed the city found out about
what Nehemiah was doing. They came to the city, but Nehemiah helped the people protect their city by giving
them weapons and reminding them that God was on their side. They fought off the enemy and their city was
once again beautiful.

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