Fruitful Bounty
# Children research information about food crops that grow in their areas and seasonal harvests of these fruits and vegetables.
# Children find out why the Thanksgiving holiday is celebrated, and what the origins of the holiday are.
# Students depict local crops in an aesthetically pleasing cornucopia mosaic, expanding both their vocabularies and awareness of the subtleties of color in nature.
More about this lesson plan:
Materials Needed: * Paint Brushes
* Markers
* Artista II® Washable Tempera Paint
* Glue Sticks
* Blunt-Tip Scissors
* Construction Paper
household supplies
* recycled newspaper
* paper towels
* container(s) of water
Source: ©
Related lessons:
- Bugs Take Shape
- Fall Harvest Cornucopia
- Giving Thanks Placemats
- Flurry of Fall Foliage
- Squanto’s Science Lesson